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What are support groups?

Support groups work towards bringing people who have gone through or going through various common experiences together in a safe place. These common grounds may not only include people dealing with addiction, stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues but also people facing or having faced traumatic experiences and other physical ailments. Support groups also act as open non-judgemental platforms for people to connect, express and grow individually as well as a community.


1. Sense of Belonging: -


Having a realization that you are not alone and not the only one facing that particular experience creates a sense of belonging as well as brings about a feeling of comfort that others have similar concerns and are there to help and encourage you.


2. Expressing your feelings: -


Support groups maintain an open-minded environment aiding in comfortable sharing of your feelings and life experiences within the group. Expressing yourself can be a therapeutic and healing experience as you realise that you are being heard to and your courage to share is applauded.


3. Acquiring helpful information: -


Support groups focus on growing through learning. When the members of the groups share their personal experiences and the strategies they used to cope and move forward, it offers others a practical insight as well as other useful information.


4. Enhanced Social Skills: -


Any form of impairment, be it mental or physical, often leads to withdrawal from social situations. Support groups provide a safe space for individuals to connect with others and practice social skills for effective interactions.


5. Reduction in Distress: -


As you work through various issues and concerns in the group, it’s common that you will begin to notice a reduced level of overall distress and discomfort. This is a positive sign that progress is being made and that you are feeling better.

6. Increased understanding of the Self: -


Support groups pave ways for achieving an increased insight into the self. As you learn more effective ways to cope and handle difficult situations, you gain better understanding about yourself, your needs and your unique strengths and weaknesses.

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